FX8 can share music rider passenger ?? And pair with T-Com, can group intercom ?

  • Ed Carlos
    # 3 years, 9 months ago

    2 question,
    has 2 FX8, I can share music between rider and passenger from cellphone ? (if not, please, make this possible with a new firmware update)

    And when I pair with a T-Com, can group intercom with T-Com and other FX8, 3 communicator talking with all others ??


    Stephen Z
    # 3 years, 9 months ago


    *FX8 does not have a music-sharing function. Currently, we have no firmware to update this function.

    *FX8 cannot be paired with the T-COM series.

    Ed Carlos
    # 3 years, 9 months ago


    this video show how pair with t-com

    But dont know if can group intercom or only communicate inter 2 devices

    About the firmware is a wish.
    Has way no suggest new function firmware ??? is possible in future a update give this function ?? or is hardware limitation ?


    # 3 years, 9 months ago

    Hi, Ed
    Yes, it will become only communicate intercom 2 devices,only two people can talk at same time.
    It’s hardware limitation, even new function firmware update, still different model intercom contect, only two people can talk at same time.

    here is pictures shows how it work on group intercom
    Intercom contect work
    Hope this can help:D

    # 3 years, 9 months ago

    show you fodsports group intercom how to do “chain pairing” which is connecting rider A-to-B, then B-to-C, etc.
    chain pairing on fodsports group intercom

    # 3 years, 9 months ago
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